Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo Challenge Can You See Through the Recession Angst to the Real Estate Opportunity?

Is the glass half full or empty? The full extent of the economic crash has yet to be felt in the commercial real estate market. So is that a good thing or a bad one?

Depends if you are wanting to lease or buy commercial properties. Here's a challenge. Look at the CNN slide show and think about the amount of opportunity in the vacated land of those closed stores.

What can you do to make this work for your good and the good of your community?

If you have some ideas, it's your turn to share them. Take some pictures and in the comments, post or link your photos of stores that have closed in your neighborhood. Then give ideas of what the land should be used for now. Should it be a little league baseball diamond? Should it be a grocery store? A human services storefront? You decide.

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